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Free entrance, reservations required. Info: +30 697 777 2455 (10am - 2pm, 5pm-9pm)


I am pleased to welcome you to the Music Festival of Patmos 2024, which includes the 22nd Festival of Sacred Music this year and the 3rd Classical Music Festival.
Patmos, as a lighthouse of spirituality and culture, is the ideal location for hosting such an institution. This festival, which combines religious and classical music, reflects the particular cultural identity of our island and the artists who will participate in it will provide the public unique musical experiences. Particularly this year, the importance of our festival is reinforced by the 25th anniversary of the proclamation of Patmos as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The completion of these 25 years is a milestone and reminds us of the timeless and global recognition of our cultural heritage. The Patmos Music Festival 2024 is a celebration of music that will remain engraved in memory of us and will contribute to the further promotion of our island as a Center for Culture. I invite you all to enjoy these unique events. 

Nikitas Tsambalakis
Mayor of Patmos 


It is a great honour to welcome, in my capacity as President of the Hellenic National Commission for UNESCO, the participants of the Chamber Music Festival and of the Sacred Music Festival, organized by the Municipality of Patmos and placed under the auspices of the Hellenic National Commission for UNESCO.
UNESCO, the international organization of the United Nations, has been striving since its foundation to promote culture, to spread education, to strengthen science and to foster communication between peoples, respecting the values of each culture and civilization. 
Our country ratified the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage in 1981. The UNESCO List today includes more than 1,223 cultural and natural sites. To date, Greece has inscribed 19 sites, including the historic centre, the Monastery of St. John the Theologian and the Cave of the Apocalypse on Patmos, which this year marks 25 years of inscription.
In addition to the 19 inscriptions, Greece has numerous other cultural and natural sites of unique value, which have not yet been included in the UNESCO List, but must be protected and promoted, as they are not only a national treasure, but also the common heritage of humanity. 
In this context, I would like to emphasise the importance of planning and implementing initiatives such as the one we have today, which educate local communities in this direction and promote culture as a vehicle that unites peoples and strengthens intercultural dialogue.
I would like to thank the Municipality of Patmos, congratulate all those who worked for the music festival and wish you good luck in the implementation of your future initiatives.

Aikaterini Tzitzikostas, 

President, Greek National Committee for Unesco  

I am delighted to welcome you to the 2024 Patmos Chamber Music Festival, an event that has become a cherished tradition on our beautiful island renowned for its stunning natural beauty and profound historical and religious significance. This year, third edition of the Festival, we celebrate not only the universal language of music but also the vibrant spirit of Patmos, a place where history, culture, and nature come together in perfect harmony.
I am proud to say that our festival is more than just a series of concerts; it is a community celebration.

The support of local residents, businesses, and our dedicated team of volunteers is what makes this festival possible. Together, we create an atmosphere where artists and audiences can connect deeply through the power of music.

Let the music guide you, let the surroundings enchant you, and let the spirit of Patmos fill your heart. 
Thank you for being a part of the Patmos Chamber Music Festival. Here’s to a memorable and magical experience for all.
Warm regards,

Luigi Pianini Mazzucchetti
President, Patmos Music Festival


Patmos is unique for its identity, its history, and its cultural traditions. Concerts are held in the most magical locations in Patmos, with wonderful natural acoustics. Each program is specifically tailored to the characteristics of the chosen location.

Ian Bostridge will perform Schubert’s song cycle Die Schöne Müllerin, in homage to the tree-lined windmills on top of Patmos’ hill, the Chora, a landmark of the island. The program will also include an homage to John Tavener (1944-2013), celebrated English composer who lived on Patmos, with Steven Isserlis playing his “Threnos” for cello solo.  

Artists and audience will meet to discover a new way of sharing music: sincere, intense, inspired, to involve and share their enthusiasm, and the unique quality of the festival. 

Roberto Prosseda
Artistic director

Massimo Fino
Executive director


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